Thursday, March 8, 2012

Joining up iPad, iPhone, Outlook and Dynamics CRM

The challenge: how to avoid data duplication and minimise the time required to keep all my contact information in sync across multiple, mobile devices.
  • My iPhone uses iCloud to sync Contacts wirelessly with the iPad and with Microsoft Outlook. A change in any one of those places is pretty much immediately reflected in each of the others.
  • I use DejaOffice from the AppStore as a portable CRM system on the iPad for one set of business contacts; and this solution gives me the option to synchronise contact records and other information with Highrise web-based CRM with colleagues.
  • However, I needed to find a way to track and co-ordinate records in Microsoft Dynamics CRM; but do it selectively - I don't need all the Dynamics CRM records on my personal devices - and I don't want all my private contacts going into Dynamics, either.
The answer to this last bit is found inside the Dynamics for Microsoft Outlook plugin. I'm not quite ready to publish blow-by-blow steps, because I want to do some more thorough testing to make sure I've got the configuration right. But I'll update this post when I've got some nice, easy instructions. Or you can just contact me for help directly - use the Comments facility here so others can benefit, or email me.
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