Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How to keep momentum

I'm struck by the challenges we all face to finish what we started.

  • My customers have started pilot projects, but then got distracted by crises elsewhere in their business and become paralysed in decision-making. The short-term consequence is that we can't begin to deliver the cost savings they're looking for.
  • My computer / iPad / iPhone / All the above flash notification messages and beep sounds as new messages, tweets and other events rush in, clamouring for attention.
  • And that's without colleagues walking past my desk; or phone calls; or a tab in a browser catching the corner of my eye and taking me off this page...
We're living in a world that's rushing ever faster; and it's not acceptable to disengage: if I'm not running the social media treadmill along with anyone else then I simultaneously miss out on learning what I need to know and also lose the opportunity to get my voice heard.

It takes practice and discipline and taking time out to understand goal and priorities then focus to maintain any kind of momentum. As I'm replying to one exciting email enquiry from a potential customer, it takes an effort of will not to stop and turn my attention to another enquiry from an even bigger prospect!

Memo to self: I guess I fail more times than I succeed; hence me thinking about the need to focus in this post today.

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